




法国图卢兹大学化学工程   博士








2019.7至今     福州大学石油化工学院         副教授

2015.12~2018.3  华东理工大学   化学工程与技术   博士后

2012.9~2015.9   图卢兹大学     化学工程与技术  博士

2009.9~2012.6   重庆大学      化学工程与技术  硕士

2005.9~2009.7   唐山学院      化学工程与工艺  学士



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:受限流体分子热力学及其状态方程,项目批准号:



2. 中国博士后科学基金:精馏过程及其强化在醋酸脱水过程中的应用研究与评价,项



担任applied energy,IECR , CES等期刊审稿人。


1. You, Xinqiang et al. Design and optimization of sustainable pressure swing distillation for minimum-boiling azeotrope separation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019.58,21659.

2. You, Xinqiang, et al. A joint model for calculating capillary pressure of confined fluid based on the SWCF-VR equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2019,498: 59-71.

3. Gu, J. You, Xinqiang et al. Analysis of heat integration, intermediate reboiler and vapor recompression for the extractive distillation of ternary mixture with two binary azeotropes. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 2019,142: 107546.

4. You, Xinqiang et al. Optimization of pre-concentration, entrainer recycle and pressure selection for the extractive distillation of acetonitrile-water with ethylene glycol. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2018. 177: 354.

5. Gu J, You, Xinqiang et al. Energy-saving reduced pressure extractive distillation with heat integration for separating biazeotropic ternary mixture tetrahydrofuran-methanol-water[J]. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2018. 57:13498-13510.

6. Gu J, You, Xinqiang et al. Improved design and optimization for separating tetrahydrofuran–water azeotrope through extractive distillation with and without heat integration by varying pressure[J]. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2018, 133: 303-313.

7. You, Xinqiang et al. Improved design and optimization for separating azeotropes with heavy component as distillate through energy-saving extractive distillation by varying pressure. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017.56,9156.

8. You, Xinqiang et al. Optimal design of extractive distillation for acetic acid dehydration with N-methyl acetamide. Chem. Eng. Processing: Process Intensif. 2017, 120,301.

9. You, Xinqiang et al. Reducing process cost and CO2 emissions for extractive distillation by double-effect heat integration and mechanical heat pump. Applied Energy, 2016, 166, 128.

10. You, Xinqiang et al. Low pressure design for reducing energy cost of extractive distillation for separating diisopropyl ether and isopropyl alcohol. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2016, 109, 540.

11. You, Xinqiang et al. Improved Design and Efficiency of the Extractive Distillation Process for Acetone-Methanol with Water. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 491. 

12. You, Xinqiang et al. Investigation of separation efficiency indicator for the optimization of the acetone-methanol extractive distillation with water. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 10863.

13. *** You, Xinqiang, ***. CAMD for entrainer screening of extractive distillation process based on new thermodynamic criteria." Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2019, 147: 721-733.

14. *** You, Xinqiang, ***. Review of Extractive Distillation. Process design, operation, optimization and control[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018. 141:229-271.

15. *** You, Xinqiang et al. Systematic design of an extractive distillation for maximum‐boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers. AIChE J2015, 61, 3898.

16. You, Xinqiang et al. Novel energy saving strategy for separating acetic acid–water in extractive distillation with N-methyl acetamide as entrainer. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 231 012110. 



Copyright © 2014 福州大学化工学院版权所有

地址: 福建省福州市福州大学城乌龙江北大道2号 邮编: 350108 电邮: syhg@fzu.edu.cn 电话(传真): 0591-22865220

2021年5月24日 星期一






法国图卢兹大学化学工程   博士








2019.7至今     福州大学石油化工学院         副教授

2015.12~2018.3  华东理工大学   化学工程与技术   博士后

2012.9~2015.9   图卢兹大学     化学工程与技术  博士

2009.9~2012.6   重庆大学      化学工程与技术  硕士

2005.9~2009.7   唐山学院      化学工程与工艺  学士



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:受限流体分子热力学及其状态方程,项目批准号:



2. 中国博士后科学基金:精馏过程及其强化在醋酸脱水过程中的应用研究与评价,项



担任applied energy,IECR , CES等期刊审稿人。


1. You, Xinqiang et al. Design and optimization of sustainable pressure swing distillation for minimum-boiling azeotrope separation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019.58,21659.

2. You, Xinqiang, et al. A joint model for calculating capillary pressure of confined fluid based on the SWCF-VR equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2019,498: 59-71.

3. Gu, J. You, Xinqiang et al. Analysis of heat integration, intermediate reboiler and vapor recompression for the extractive distillation of ternary mixture with two binary azeotropes. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 2019,142: 107546.

4. You, Xinqiang et al. Optimization of pre-concentration, entrainer recycle and pressure selection for the extractive distillation of acetonitrile-water with ethylene glycol. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2018. 177: 354.

5. Gu J, You, Xinqiang et al. Energy-saving reduced pressure extractive distillation with heat integration for separating biazeotropic ternary mixture tetrahydrofuran-methanol-water[J]. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2018. 57:13498-13510.

6. Gu J, You, Xinqiang et al. Improved design and optimization for separating tetrahydrofuran–water azeotrope through extractive distillation with and without heat integration by varying pressure[J]. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2018, 133: 303-313.

7. You, Xinqiang et al. Improved design and optimization for separating azeotropes with heavy component as distillate through energy-saving extractive distillation by varying pressure. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017.56,9156.

8. You, Xinqiang et al. Optimal design of extractive distillation for acetic acid dehydration with N-methyl acetamide. Chem. Eng. Processing: Process Intensif. 2017, 120,301.

9. You, Xinqiang et al. Reducing process cost and CO2 emissions for extractive distillation by double-effect heat integration and mechanical heat pump. Applied Energy, 2016, 166, 128.

10. You, Xinqiang et al. Low pressure design for reducing energy cost of extractive distillation for separating diisopropyl ether and isopropyl alcohol. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2016, 109, 540.

11. You, Xinqiang et al. Improved Design and Efficiency of the Extractive Distillation Process for Acetone-Methanol with Water. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 491. 

12. You, Xinqiang et al. Investigation of separation efficiency indicator for the optimization of the acetone-methanol extractive distillation with water. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 10863.

13. *** You, Xinqiang, ***. CAMD for entrainer screening of extractive distillation process based on new thermodynamic criteria." Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2019, 147: 721-733.

14. *** You, Xinqiang, ***. Review of Extractive Distillation. Process design, operation, optimization and control[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018. 141:229-271.

15. *** You, Xinqiang et al. Systematic design of an extractive distillation for maximum‐boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers. AIChE J2015, 61, 3898.

16. You, Xinqiang et al. Novel energy saving strategy for separating acetic acid–water in extractive distillation with N-methyl acetamide as entrainer. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 231 012110. 



地址:中国福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号 邮编: 350108

电话(传真): 0591-22865220 电邮: syhg@fzu.edu.cn

Copyright © 2014 福州大学化工学院版权所有