

卢凯(Lu Kai







Email lu.kai@fzu.edu.cn



2018-2023日本原子能研究机构核安全研究中心研究员(tenure track


2012-2015日本福井大学,核能与能源安全专业,博士,导师:Toshiyuki Meshii教授(日本原子能学会会士)

2010-2012日本福井大学,核能与能源安全专业,硕士,导师:Toshiyuki Meshii教授




卢凯博士,福州大学研究员,福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授。主要从事承压设备的结构完整性评估方法及应用研究,在断裂力学、压力容器等领域的专业期刊(Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics、International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping、Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology)发表论文30余篇,出版技术类专著2部,参加ASME PVP、ICONE、ECF等领域内国际会议并做报告20多次,参与修订国际行业标准多项,负责开发了日本唯一的核反应堆压力容器失效概率分析软件PASCAL5。



1.国家自然科学基金(面上项目),在役反应堆压力容器失效风险量化与安全裕度调控研究,52475151, 2025.01-2028.12,负责人。

2.欧洲原子能共同体(Horizon 2020 Programme国际合作项目),Advanced PTS Analysis for LTONo. 945253, 2020.01-2024.12,参与人。




1.T. Zhang, X. Shang, N. Zhang,K. Lu*, M. Xie, An investigation on fracture toughness predictions from mini-sized uniaxial tensile specimens with global and local approaches, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 131 (2024), 104366

2. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li* et al., Verification of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessel, JSME Mechanical Engineering Journal, 10(4), 2023.

3. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li*, Guideline on structural integrity assessment for reactor pressure vessel in domestic light water reactor based on probabilistic fracture mechanics (in Japanese), JAEA-Research 2022-012, DOI:10.11484/jaea-research-2022-012.

4. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, J. Katsuyama, Y. Li*, Recent improvements of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessels, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199 (2022), 104706.

5. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, K. Masaki., T. Watanabe, Y. Li*, Effect of coolant water temperature of emergency core cooling system on failure probability of reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143 (2021) 031704.

6. T. Meshii, K. Lu*,Y. Fujiwara, Extended investigation of the test specimen thickness (TST) effect on the fracture toughness (Jc) of a material in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature region as a difference in the crack tip constraint- What is the loss of constraint in the TST effects on Jc? Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 135 (2015), 286-294.

7. K. Lu*, T. Meshii, A systematic investigation of T-stresses for a variety of center-cracked tension specimens, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 77 (2015), 74-81.


2023年 日本原子能研究机构 研发功绩奖

2023年 泉州市“桐江学者”特聘教授

2022年 福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授

2019年 日本机械学会JSME论文表彰(国际核工程大会ICONE27)

2017年 日本原子能研究机构 研发功绩奖

2015年 日本福井大学 成果显著奖

2012年 美国机械工程师协会ASME优秀论文奖(压力容器与管道会议PVP2012)


English CV

Highest Academic

University of Fukui (Japan)Doctor of Engineering

Research Field

l Structural integrity assessment method based on deterministic fracture mechanics, including size effect/scatter of fracture toughnesscrack-tip constraint, crack propagation analysis, failure mechanism of materials in DBTT, coupled fluid/solid thermal analysis for RPVdata-driven fracture mechanicsfitness-for-service codes of pressure equipment.

l Structural integrity assessment method based on probabilistic fracture mechanics, including theories of uncertainty and reliability, fracture toughness distribution, Bayesian inference, failure probability analysis of components.

Email lu.kai@fzu.edu.cn

Education-Working Experience

2023 to presentFuzhou University, college of chemical engineering, professor

2018-2023JAEAnuclear safety research canter, researcher (tenure track)

2015-2018JAEAnuclear safety research canter, post-doctoral fellow

2012-2015University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, Ph. D

2010-2012University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, M.S.

2005-2009Beijing Information Science & Technology Univ., Vehicle engineering, B.S.

2008-2009University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, exchange


Dr. Lu Kai working in Fuzhou Univ. was selected for the “Minjiang Scholars” Program of Fujian Province. His main research interests relate to development and application of structural integrity assessment method for pressure equipment. In the past, he has published over 30 journal papers and 2 technical documents, presented more than 20 times in international conferences, made contributions to revisions of several industry standards. In addition, his team in JAEA developed the sole PFM analysis code for RPVs in Japan (besides FAVOR in the U.S., PASCAL is the second practical tool for NPP license renewal discussion in the world).

Selected Paper

1. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li* et al., Verification of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessel, JSME Mechanical Engineering Journal, 10(4), 2023.

2. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li*, Guideline on structural integrity assessment for reactor pressure vessel in domestic light water reactor based on probabilistic fracture mechanics (in Japanese), JAEA-Research 2022-012, DOI:10.11484/jaea-research-2022-012.

3. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, J. Katsuyama, Y. Li*, Recent improvements of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessels, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199 (2022), 104706.

4. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, K. Masaki., T. Watanabe, Y. Li*, Effect of coolant water temperature of emergency core cooling system on failure probability of reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143 (2021) 031704.

5. T. Meshii, K. Lu*, Y. Fujiwara, Extended investigation of the test specimen thickness (TST) effect on the fracture toughness (Jc) of a material in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature region as a difference in the crack tip constraint- What is the loss of constraint in the TST effects on Jc? Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 135 (2015), 286-294.

6. K. Lu*, T. Meshii, A systematic investigation of T-stresses for a variety of center-cracked tension specimens, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 77 (2015), 74-81.


2022  Minjiang Scholars” Program of Fujian Province

2019 JSME, Excellent Paper in ICONE27

2017  JAEA, R&D Achievements Award

2015  University of Fukui, Outstanding Achievement Award

2012  ASME PVP2012, Finalist paper  



Copyright © 2014 福州大学化工学院版权所有

地址: 福建省福州市福州大学城乌龙江北大道2号 邮编: 350108 电邮: syhg@fzu.edu.cn 电话(传真): 0591-22865220

2021年5月24日 星期一



卢凯(Lu Kai







Email lu.kai@fzu.edu.cn



2018-2023日本原子能研究机构核安全研究中心研究员(tenure track


2012-2015日本福井大学,核能与能源安全专业,博士,导师:Toshiyuki Meshii教授(日本原子能学会会士)

2010-2012日本福井大学,核能与能源安全专业,硕士,导师:Toshiyuki Meshii教授




卢凯博士,福州大学研究员,福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授。主要从事承压设备的结构完整性评估方法及应用研究,在断裂力学、压力容器等领域的专业期刊(Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics、International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping、Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology)发表论文30余篇,出版技术类专著2部,参加ASME PVP、ICONE、ECF等领域内国际会议并做报告20多次,参与修订国际行业标准多项,负责开发了日本唯一的核反应堆压力容器失效概率分析软件PASCAL5。



1.国家自然科学基金(面上项目),在役反应堆压力容器失效风险量化与安全裕度调控研究,52475151, 2025.01-2028.12,负责人。

2.欧洲原子能共同体(Horizon 2020 Programme国际合作项目),Advanced PTS Analysis for LTONo. 945253, 2020.01-2024.12,参与人。




1.T. Zhang, X. Shang, N. Zhang,K. Lu*, M. Xie, An investigation on fracture toughness predictions from mini-sized uniaxial tensile specimens with global and local approaches, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 131 (2024), 104366

2. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li* et al., Verification of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessel, JSME Mechanical Engineering Journal, 10(4), 2023.

3. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li*, Guideline on structural integrity assessment for reactor pressure vessel in domestic light water reactor based on probabilistic fracture mechanics (in Japanese), JAEA-Research 2022-012, DOI:10.11484/jaea-research-2022-012.

4. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, J. Katsuyama, Y. Li*, Recent improvements of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessels, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199 (2022), 104706.

5. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, K. Masaki., T. Watanabe, Y. Li*, Effect of coolant water temperature of emergency core cooling system on failure probability of reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143 (2021) 031704.

6. T. Meshii, K. Lu*,Y. Fujiwara, Extended investigation of the test specimen thickness (TST) effect on the fracture toughness (Jc) of a material in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature region as a difference in the crack tip constraint- What is the loss of constraint in the TST effects on Jc? Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 135 (2015), 286-294.

7. K. Lu*, T. Meshii, A systematic investigation of T-stresses for a variety of center-cracked tension specimens, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 77 (2015), 74-81.


2023年 日本原子能研究机构 研发功绩奖

2023年 泉州市“桐江学者”特聘教授

2022年 福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授

2019年 日本机械学会JSME论文表彰(国际核工程大会ICONE27)

2017年 日本原子能研究机构 研发功绩奖

2015年 日本福井大学 成果显著奖

2012年 美国机械工程师协会ASME优秀论文奖(压力容器与管道会议PVP2012)


English CV

Highest Academic

University of Fukui (Japan)Doctor of Engineering

Research Field

l Structural integrity assessment method based on deterministic fracture mechanics, including size effect/scatter of fracture toughnesscrack-tip constraint, crack propagation analysis, failure mechanism of materials in DBTT, coupled fluid/solid thermal analysis for RPVdata-driven fracture mechanicsfitness-for-service codes of pressure equipment.

l Structural integrity assessment method based on probabilistic fracture mechanics, including theories of uncertainty and reliability, fracture toughness distribution, Bayesian inference, failure probability analysis of components.

Email lu.kai@fzu.edu.cn

Education-Working Experience

2023 to presentFuzhou University, college of chemical engineering, professor

2018-2023JAEAnuclear safety research canter, researcher (tenure track)

2015-2018JAEAnuclear safety research canter, post-doctoral fellow

2012-2015University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, Ph. D

2010-2012University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, M.S.

2005-2009Beijing Information Science & Technology Univ., Vehicle engineering, B.S.

2008-2009University of Fukui, nuclear power & safety engineering, exchange


Dr. Lu Kai working in Fuzhou Univ. was selected for the “Minjiang Scholars” Program of Fujian Province. His main research interests relate to development and application of structural integrity assessment method for pressure equipment. In the past, he has published over 30 journal papers and 2 technical documents, presented more than 20 times in international conferences, made contributions to revisions of several industry standards. In addition, his team in JAEA developed the sole PFM analysis code for RPVs in Japan (besides FAVOR in the U.S., PASCAL is the second practical tool for NPP license renewal discussion in the world).

Selected Paper

1. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li* et al., Verification of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessel, JSME Mechanical Engineering Journal, 10(4), 2023.

2. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, H. Takamizawa, Y. Li*, Guideline on structural integrity assessment for reactor pressure vessel in domestic light water reactor based on probabilistic fracture mechanics (in Japanese), JAEA-Research 2022-012, DOI:10.11484/jaea-research-2022-012.

3. K. Lu, H. Takamizawa, J. Katsuyama, Y. Li*, Recent improvements of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL for reactor pressure vessels, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199 (2022), 104706.

4. K. Lu, J. Katsuyama, K. Masaki., T. Watanabe, Y. Li*, Effect of coolant water temperature of emergency core cooling system on failure probability of reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143 (2021) 031704.

5. T. Meshii, K. Lu*, Y. Fujiwara, Extended investigation of the test specimen thickness (TST) effect on the fracture toughness (Jc) of a material in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature region as a difference in the crack tip constraint- What is the loss of constraint in the TST effects on Jc? Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 135 (2015), 286-294.

6. K. Lu*, T. Meshii, A systematic investigation of T-stresses for a variety of center-cracked tension specimens, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 77 (2015), 74-81.


2022  Minjiang Scholars” Program of Fujian Province

2019 JSME, Excellent Paper in ICONE27

2017  JAEA, R&D Achievements Award

2015  University of Fukui, Outstanding Achievement Award

2012  ASME PVP2012, Finalist paper  



地址:中国福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号 邮编: 350108

电话(传真): 0591-22865220 电邮: syhg@fzu.edu.cn

Copyright © 2014 福州大学化工学院版权所有