2010-2015 浙江大学,化学,理学博士
2006-2010 厦门大学,化学,理学学士
2021-至今 福州大学,石油化工学院,副研究员
2017-2020 德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学,化学,博士后,洪堡学者
2015-2017 浙江新和成特种材料有限公司,技术工程师
王世萍,福州大学石油化工学院副研究员,硕士生导师。目前研究方向为含硫或氮等的资源小分子的高值化利用,以及高分子包膜材料的合成和应用。长期从事生物质基功能材料及其在环境、能源和催化领域的应用。迄今在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Chem. Mater.、 Nanoscale、ChemCatChem等期刊发表SCI论文15篇,申请中国发明专利4项。论文总被引514余次。
1. 国家自然科学青年基金:高效CO2和H2S与苯胺反应的耦合重整催化体系构筑及反应机制的研究,22208055,2023.01-2025.12,30万,主持,在研。
2. 福建省自然科学基金:基于天然高分子的过渡金属-炭高效催化剂的 设计合成及其应用研究,2022J05131,2022.08-2025.08,6万,主持,在研。
1. S. P. Wang, R. Huang, K. Ren, L. S. Shen, X. Li, G. C. Lei, L. J. Shen, Y. Y. Zhan, Y. Zheng, L. L. Jiang. Structural control of PEG-intercalating Na-bentonite and its influence on the properties of castor oil-based polyurethane coating, Progress in Organic Coatings 2023, 178, 107499.
2. S. P. Wang, X. Li, K. Ren, R. Huang, G. C. Lei, L. J. Shen, Y. Y. Zhan, L. L. Jiang. Surface modification of pyrophyllite for optimizing properties of castor oil-based polyurethane composite and its application in controlled-release fertilizer, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2023, 16, 104400.
3. S. P. Wang, Y. P. Zhang, G. C. Lei, J. Bao, Y. Y. Zhan. Rational design of three-dimensional porous Ir-supported TiO2-ZrO2 microspheres for low temperature methane combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2023, Available online 14 March.
4. S. P.Wang, G. Bendt, S. Schulz. Development of an efficient bi-functional catalyst for rechargeable Zn-air battery based on a novel hybrid material. Catalysis Research 2021, 3, 25
5. S. P. Wang, G. Bendt, S. Saddeler, S. Schulz. Synergistic effects of Mo2C-NC@FexCoy core-shell nanoparticles in electrocatalytic overall water splitting reaction. Energy Technology 2019, 7, 1801121.
6. S. P.Wang, M. L. Zhu, X. B. Bao, B. Y. Xiao, J. Wang, D. F. Su, H. R. Li, Y. Wang. Molybdenum carbide-modified nitrogen-doped carbon vesicle encapsulating nickel nanoparticles: A highly efficient andlow-cost catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 15753-15759.(ESI高被引论文,335次)
7. S. P. Wang, M. L. Zhu, X. B. Bao, J. Wang, C. H. Chen, H. R. Li, Y. Wang. Facile synthesis of ordered mesoporous Fe-N/C materials with high catalytic performance for oxygen reduction reaction. ChemcatChem 2015, 7, 2937-2944.
8. S. P. Wang, R. H. Liu, C. L. Han, J. Wang, M. M. Li, J. Yao, H. R. Li, Y. Wang. A novel strategy to synthesize hierarchical, porous carbohydrate-derived carbon with tunable properties. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 13510-13517.
9. S. P. Wang, C. L. Han, J. Wang, J. Deng, M. L. Zhu, J. Yao, H. R. Li, Y. Wang. Controlled synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbohydrate-derived carbons with flower-like structure and N-doping by self-transformation. Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26, 6872-6877.
10. S. P. Wang, R. H. Liu, J. Yao, Y. Wang, H. R. Li, R. N. Dao, J. Guan, G. Tang. Fabrication of mesoporous magnesium substituted beta-tricalcium phosphate nanospheres by self-transformation and assembly involving EDTA ions. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2013, 179, 172-181.
1.王勇;王世萍; 韩传龙; 王静; 朱明蕾。表面功能化的有序介孔掺氮炭材料的制备方法及产品(CN104085878A),2014.10.08
2. 王勇;王世萍; 韩传龙; 王世国; 王静; 肖冰洋。一种掺氮碳纳米管的制备方法及其产品(CN104176724A),2014.12.03
3. 王勇; 王静; 巩玉同;王世萍; 韩传龙。一种大管径、超长纳米碳管的制备方法(CN104071771A),2014.10.01
4. 王勇; 王静; 魏中哲; 李浩然;王世萍; 韩传龙。一种基于碳管与过渡金属复合的催化剂制备烯烃类化合物的方法(CN104549293A),2015.04.29